"...We can honour our femininity by seeking to see symptoms as imbalance first rather than issues. This in no way intends to remove the need to seek medical assistance when symptoms are unbearable, rather this is an invitation to become more aware of your own body. To become mindfully aware … [Read more...]
Embodied Wisdom and the need for Restorative Yoga & Meditation
More and more I am coming to recognise, especially as a yoga teacher, that although I may be trained in, and acquainted with, the “right knowledge”, my practise as a yogi and certainly my role as a teacher relies heavily on the ability to truly embody this knowledge. I have been thinking a lot … [Read more...]
The simple life: Live Simple
A very simple life is good for everything. You will not find any pleasure in plenty. This is the truest saying, yet many of us still feel the want, or perhaps the drive, to do more, more, more - as if somehow more is better. And I guess the question that I pose to you today is: In a world of … [Read more...]
The power of gratitude
In gratitude we find awe and appreciation of that which surrounds us. I am often captivated by the simplistic beauty that surrounds us: The paradox that anything and everything can be both something that so easily is dismissed against complexities that reach far beyond what human minds can … [Read more...]
The Intuit Heart: Cultivating your true heart’s desire
Last week we began our discussion by articulating the reality that in today’s modernised, technologized culture we are prone to intellectualising the parts of our being that are innately not designed to be conceptualised. We considered in detail the physiological and psychological effects of … [Read more...]
The ache in heartache: why grief and loss is more than in the mind
Is grief and loss more than in the mind? There is no denying that we live in a world where knowledge and intellect informs our very being. We are surrounded by technology that allows us, each minute of the day, to tap into resources which have the power to intellectualise away the innate part of … [Read more...]
Insomnia – What to do when you need a good night sleep
It is 2am. In the silence of the night you could hear a pin drop, the darkness is broken only by the single street light that shines outside your bedroom window. That light is so bright, so all consuming. Yet it isn't the light that keeps you from sleep, the light is merely something tangible you … [Read more...]
Compassion for your Gut Microbiome
The significance of the interrelated connectivity of the gut microbiome and their influence over holistic health is an aspect of wellness not to be dismissed; hence, why we have been focusing on understanding the mechanisms that encourage optimal wellbeing though food, environment, and movement. … [Read more...]
Epigenetics & The Karmic Fate of our Genes
Bring on the revolution – Epigenetics & The Karmic Fate of our GenesThe writing is not always on the wall. As technological advances continue to expand our understanding of what it means to be human, research begins to prove what ancient texts and prophetic leaders have taught for centuries – We … [Read more...]
Epigenetics & The Karmic Fate of our Genes
An epigenetics study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of untrained control subjects who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities. After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range … [Read more...]
Christmas Has Come…. 3 simple techniques that you can utilise this Christmas and New Year
There is but a few weeks left until the official Christmas and New Year season of madness peaks, and ends. What seems like, and quite literally is in the media, months of promotion, pressure, and a the push to end the year in an existential possession centered “high”, can actually be and create … [Read more...]
Natural remedies to Suffering | How to Cultivate Mindfulness
Part Nine & Ten of 10 Natural remedies to Suffering: How to Cultivate Mindfulness Continuing on from earlier this week as we followed our journey inward discovering more about our ten natural remedies to suffering: Nurture an internal environment of relaxation Cultivate heightened … [Read more...]
Natural remedies to Suffering | A Guide to optimal wellbeing.
Part One & Two of Ten Natural remedies to Suffering Last week we spoke about the defended self and the increasing links between our sociocultural and personal pasts in relation to perceived threat, their relation to depression and anxiety and our body’s inflammatory response to such. We also … [Read more...]
Ten natural remedies to Suffering: A Guide to optimal wellbeing.
The defended self: Apprehension and disconnection of body and mind Ten natural remedies to depression and anxiety (the suffering within): A Guide to optimal wellbeing. Just recently, I was with a friend of mine. As we spoke, I began noticing some uneasiness within her: not only did my friend’s … [Read more...]
Tonglen: How to awaken compassion
The gift of giving and receiving Tonglen: How to awaken compassion There is no denying that we live in a world where the dominant discourse is suffering. What’s more is if we allow it to be, suffering will remain the prominent narrative of our lives, creating a life of simple survival. Yet, if we … [Read more...]
How to be with what is: A 10 Step Guide to Enlightenment
Further to our discussion yesterday on How to be with what is: a video guide to enlightenment today the guide to enlightenment is enhanced through a presence practise. Walking Meditation – An Invitation Towards Enlightenment Walking meditation is a way to reveal the embodiment of the earth’s … [Read more...]
How to be with what is: A Video Guide to Enlightenment
It is no secret that we live in a culture of busy. Of time poor and speed orientated process’ in which we focus so much on what should be, what could be, what is not, or what was not, we forget what is. I know that I for one often, and quite literally, forget to stop and smell the flowers. Yet, in … [Read more...]
Compassion meditation, not only for the soul but also for a healthy brain and nervous system.
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. - Dalai Lama Have you heard about Compassion Meditation but aren’t quite sure what it is or how to practice it? Sometimes it’s known as ‘loving-kindness meditation’ and it is an exercise that involves forgetting for a moment all of the … [Read more...]
How can a Clinical Yoga Session help you manage symptoms of your thyroid disorder?
Yoga is considered to bring great benefit to both physical and mental health, but more recently it has been used alongside modern medicine. It has been prescribed to some patients for the management of certain diseases and disorders. So much so, that many people that experience thyroid and … [Read more...]
Yoga and Ayurveda for Shoulders & Headaches with Celia Roberts BSc
Are you suffering from unbearable headaches? Yoga and Ayurveda for Shoulders & Headaches FIND OUT MORE ABOUT YOUR TYPE Of HEADACHES THROUGH AYURVEDA... Yoga and Ayurveda for Shoulders & Headaches Do you have Vata Pitta or Kapha headaches? VATA Vata type headaches arise at base of the … [Read more...]