Join Celia Roberts and Leanne Davis
Saturday 27 October 2018 & Sunday 28 October 2018
Full Retreat Rate $245
Compassion ~ to simply be kind to another, but firstly to one’s self.
Compassion for self is an innate necessity, yet surprisingly something we, as a collective community often forget to do. Our minds work in connection with others, yet this connection first must begin within in order to have the capacity for true selfless altruism. Further, this innate necessity is remarkable, perhaps miraculous, as it works two-fold – meaning that the more compassion we offer to ourselves, the more compassion we can offer others, which in turn offers our minds, and neuro connectivity, growth, resilience, and integrated holistic wellbeing!
We welcome you to enjoy a weekend of understanding how your emotional wellbeing relates to the science of the mind and hormones, and how this cultivates positive epigenetic changes within you.
Clinical Yoga Therapy for glandular and hormonal health
Saturday 27 October 2018
9:30 – 12:30
Hosted by Leanne Davis
Clinical Yoga Therapy for glandular and hormonal health
Session Rate $88
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Meet Leanne Davis, President of Yoga Australia, on the mat for a self nurturing yoga practice on hormones and health.
How does Yoga correlate to the hormonal system?
Part 1 - Explore:
- Information presented on hormones and health
- Information presented on brain & emotions and their relationship to hormones and the two classic models used in Yoga therapy.
- The role of the moon in female lunar cycles, emotional /mental stability
- Use of the moon mantra in an asana and pranayama practice for endocrine health.
- A one hour hormonal health yoga therapy practice.
Part 2 - Explore:
- Information on the Cakra & hormonal system
- A one hour practice of asana related to cakra with seed mantras and self enquiry to each area.
Leanne presents with a calming, self nurturing approach....a pure retreat.
Meditations of Loving-Kindness & Compassion
Saturday 27 October 2018
1:15 – 4:15
Hosted by Celia Roberts
Meditations of Loving-Kindness & Compassion
Session Rate $58
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Celia continues to demonstrate the cultivation of compassion with the demonstration of meditation practices of loving-kindness and Thong Len, as well as more in depth wisdom of the neurology of compassion.
Learn, not only the basis of what it means to strengthen your vagal tone, so too the practices that you shall be able to take with you in order to continue to cultivate compassion throughout your lifespan.
The Compassionate Body – yoga postures to open the heart, build confidence & cultivate compassion
Sunday 28 October 2018
9:30 – 4:00
Hosted by Celia Roberts
Compassionate body retreat – yoga postures to open the heart, build confidence & cultivate compassion
Day Rate $148
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Opening our hearts and minds to loving others and ourselves is not an instantaneous thought driven concept. Indeed, opening the heart, building confidence, and cultivating compassion comes with yoga postures and practice that specifically are designed to beget an integrated mind, body, and soul that recognizes the relationship between awareness, practice, and enlightenment. All postures will be focused on opening the heart and practiced with powerful compassion mental exercises to leave you feeling on top of the world, open hearted and true for days to come.
Enjoy a weekend surrounded by natural beauty and of teachings created for your souls aspiration of awareness of true self, and your true hearts connection.

Lunching each day at the Upper Brookfield Sanctuary
Everyone brings a small plate to share for lunch. It is a delicious affair. We love small and easy dishes; salads are always well received, so too small fruit plates, fresh breads, dips, and we certainly enjoy the creative plate! Feel free to contact us should you have any questions regarding food requirements.
More information about your retreat
Accommodation Packages are available for your prolonged enjoyment and convenience – Please view our packages here.
Getting to the Upper Brookfield Sanctuary is an enjoyable drive. Be sure to view our directions here.
Considering more than one weekend retreat? Celia Roberts invites you to view her Bespoke packages on offer in 2018
More information? Please contact Celia hello@celiaroberts.com.au
Deepening connection is vital in practice. We invite you to join the discussions on Facebook and Instagram