Minimalism, I like it a lot, and it has finally found me once again.
People who minimalize often report:
Happiness, less discontent
More time
Creativity, less consumerism
A focus on health
Generosity and altruism
Minimalists often have less personal items, less mental disturbance, less to do, and less stress. Find ways to minimalize and find a ‘paradise lost’. Let me know how it goes for you and what you did to minimalize, and I will create a good list for us all.
ABC Radio with Celia Roberts
Listen in to ABC 612 at 10am Sunday morning. I will be interviewed with Katrina Davidson on the weekend programme on the Science of Yoga.
Grass Roots Yoga by donation
We take to the stage twice on Sunday:
1) 7.30am-8.30am Northey Street Framers Markets with Annie Clarke
2) 3.00pm-4.00pm Wilston Park Fair with Celia Roberts at Homezone Windsor car park on Corner of Newmarket Rd and Noble St.
Bring your mats!
Wilston Fair….Fun for all the family: Stalls, food & drink, performances by local schools, on-stage interviews with local celebrities.
Public Holiday Yoga
This Monday 2nd June! Re-TREAT yourself from 9.30am-11.00am. Casual visit $20
Ayurveda Retreat
A reductive science, simple by nature, that looks to healing with the help of our natural environment. Ayurveda uses local herbs, nutrition, yoga postures, psychology and the breath as medicine to heal. Literally, the science of life! Hope you can make it.
Sunday 15 June, bookings here:
Be well and minimalize.
Celia Roberts