It is certainly a controversial idea and the opposite of what we are told to believe, but yoga and meditation believes in softness, kindness and the gentle nature of both mind and body. Positivity researcher, Dr Barbara Fredrickson, points out how a soft torso may bring ease into our life: “With positive emotion there’s more of an easiness in the torso, and I think that’s consequential because other people can pick that up and it’s a safety signal for others that this person is safe to approach. So there’s ways in which that openness both characterises the mindset and the posture and certainly the face too…”
(Listen to ABC radio interview with Dr Fredrickson)
Softening the belly with the breath is just one brilliant way to effect the tone of our nervous system, and improve our digestion and the neuro-plastic lining of our gut-brain.
Make sure to breathe deep and controversially soften your belly.
Meditation Retreat this Friday 5th August
Understand more about the above and beyond.
9.30am-12.30pm $50
Book now to EDUCATE yourself further.
Massages with Summer Freemen (in training)
Mondays 11.30 -12.30pm
Tuesdays 11.00-12.00pm.
$50 Book now via email response. Limited time only.
Ayurvedic Medicine Retreat
Ayurveda ~ This is Ancient wisdom with a touch of Integrative Medicine. What constitution are you?
A self care workshop that should not be missed.
$108 for the day 9.30am-4pm
21st August
Book now for some FUN
Meditation as a Therapy YIMI
Neuroscience, hormonal balance, cortical remapping and more.
Light up your brain and your body.
4 day course through YIMI with Senior Teacher Celia Roberts BSc
12-15th August
ABOUT FACE on ABC Radio with Celia Roberts BSc
The art of face reading and how all our minute microexpressions change and effect our brain.
Interview on ABC Radio 11 August, Thursday Night with Sarah Howells 612 ABC 7.30pm
Wishing you softness in both mind and heart – (belly too)
Celia Roberts.