Pain: Understanding the perpetual cycle that links psychological and physiological concepts of chronic pain. 5 ways to approach pain relief Aside from the rare disorder of congenital insensitivity to pain (less than 20 cases reported in scientific literature), neither you nor I are immune to the … [Read more...]
Natural remedies to Suffering | How to Cultivate Mindfulness
Part Nine & Ten of 10 Natural remedies to Suffering: How to Cultivate Mindfulness Continuing on from earlier this week as we followed our journey inward discovering more about our ten natural remedies to suffering: Nurture an internal environment of relaxation Cultivate heightened … [Read more...]
Natural remedies to Suffering | How to Boost Energy
Part Seven & Eight of 10 Natural remedies to Suffering: How to Boost Energy Continuing on from earlier this week as we followed our journey inward discovering more about our ten natural remedies to suffering: Nurture an internal environment of relaxation Cultivate heightened positive … [Read more...]
Natural remedies to Suffering | Lifestyle Change
Part Five & Six of 10 Natural remedies to Suffering: How to make Lifestyle Changes Continuing on from earlier this week as we followed our journey inward, discovering more about our ten natural remedies to suffering: Nurture an internal environment of relaxation Cultivate heightened … [Read more...]
Natural remedies to Suffering | A Guide to Ayurvedic Diet Practices
Part Three & Four of Ten Natural remedies to Suffering: A Guide to Ayurvedic Diet Practices Continuing on from yesterday as we began our journey inward, discovering the first two of our ten natural remedies to suffering: Nurture an internal environment of relaxation Cultivate heightened … [Read more...]
Natural remedies to Suffering | A Guide to optimal wellbeing.
Part One & Two of Ten Natural remedies to Suffering Last week we spoke about the defended self and the increasing links between our sociocultural and personal pasts in relation to perceived threat, their relation to depression and anxiety and our body’s inflammatory response to such. We also … [Read more...]
Ten natural remedies to Suffering: A Guide to optimal wellbeing.
The defended self: Apprehension and disconnection of body and mind Ten natural remedies to depression and anxiety (the suffering within): A Guide to optimal wellbeing. Just recently, I was with a friend of mine. As we spoke, I began noticing some uneasiness within her: not only did my friend’s … [Read more...]
Tonglen: How to awaken compassion
The gift of giving and receiving Tonglen: How to awaken compassion There is no denying that we live in a world where the dominant discourse is suffering. What’s more is if we allow it to be, suffering will remain the prominent narrative of our lives, creating a life of simple survival. Yet, if we … [Read more...]
A Breath of Fresh Air – Breathing Your Way to Good Health with Pranayama
The Practice of Pranayama: Breathing Your Way to Good Health The past few days we have been discussing the importance of pranayama. Today we finish our discussion with two more techniques to extend your energy. Ujjayi Pranayama As per our understanding of Nadhi Sodhana, if we understand Ujjayi … [Read more...]
A Breath of Fresh Air – Breathing Your Way to Good Health with Pranayama
A Breath of Fresh Air: Which Way and Why? If you were reading yesterday you would have taken a moment to notice the breath. Do you remember how you were breathing? How are you breathing as we speak today? Is your breath the same as yesterday? Perhaps you notice a little slower or faster breathing … [Read more...]
A Breath of Fresh Air – Breathing Your Way to Good Health with Pranayama
Thinking back... How were my energy levels this morning? You wake. The day begins. Your mind runs over the day and all that is required of you. Sigh. Deep Sigh. Without even realizing it, and within five minutes of waking, already your body is speaking to you, asking of you to stop, to acknowledge … [Read more...]