Women's health and wellness - let's talk! Recently we had the pleasure of spending a weekend with Anna and Em of Soul Sister Health. These women are not only energetic, inspiring, and oh so intelligent, they also have a contagious passion for women's health and wellbeing. Anna and Em are are … [Read more...]
The Great Gut Revolution is here to stay!
This is really worth watching! The Catalyst recently produced an episode on gut health, relaxation, anxiety, depression, diet and yoga to help! And what better timing than this week to take a sneak peak and make the decision to come along to our weekend retreat and spoil yourself by gaining great … [Read more...]
A Breath of Fresh Air – Breathing Your Way to Good Health with Pranayama
The Practice of Pranayama: Breathing Your Way to Good Health The past few days we have been discussing the importance of pranayama. Today we finish our discussion with two more techniques to extend your energy. Ujjayi Pranayama As per our understanding of Nadhi Sodhana, if we understand Ujjayi … [Read more...]
A Breath of Fresh Air – Breathing Your Way to Good Health with Pranayama
A Breath of Fresh Air: Which Way and Why? If you were reading yesterday you would have taken a moment to notice the breath. Do you remember how you were breathing? How are you breathing as we speak today? Is your breath the same as yesterday? Perhaps you notice a little slower or faster breathing … [Read more...]
A Breath of Fresh Air – Breathing Your Way to Good Health with Pranayama
Thinking back... How were my energy levels this morning? You wake. The day begins. Your mind runs over the day and all that is required of you. Sigh. Deep Sigh. Without even realizing it, and within five minutes of waking, already your body is speaking to you, asking of you to stop, to acknowledge … [Read more...]
The Yoga Anatomy master – Leslie Kaminoff comes to Brisbane’s YIMI.
Australia welcomes internationally renowned Yoga specialist Leslie Kaminoff for a two day Anatomy Intensive course on March 24 and 25 in Ashgrove, Qld. YIMI Yoga, Viniyoga Australia and Breathing Taking Concepts are so pleased to welcome Leslie Kaminoff in March 2018 to teach a weekend intensive … [Read more...]
Breathing techniques and yoga poses for those struggling with anaemia
Anaemia occurs when there is a reduced number of red blood cells or a low amount of haemoglobin in the blood and is a very common disorder mainly found in women. It comes in a variety of forms, but the most common types are caused by iron deficiency. Treatments vary for this problem, but it has been … [Read more...]
How can a Clinical Yoga Session help you manage symptoms of your thyroid disorder?
Yoga is considered to bring great benefit to both physical and mental health, but more recently it has been used alongside modern medicine. It has been prescribed to some patients for the management of certain diseases and disorders. So much so, that many people that experience thyroid and … [Read more...]
Key Ways to Practice Yoga for Your Dosha
The science of Ayurveda is governed by the sankalpa or intention of personal healing and enlightenment. Ayurveda claims that an imbalance in doshas disrupts the flow of intelligence through the mind-body system leading to disease and disorder. It is possible to restore balance in the doshas to … [Read more...]
Therapeutic Yoga & Ayurveda for Nausea, Heartburn, Ulcers, Hyperacidity – Celia Roberts BSc
CLINICAL YOGA THERAPY~ Digestive system, Stomach, Small intestine, Nausea, Heart burn, Hyperacidity, Ulcers, Health of skin related to digestion Nutrient absorption from Small Intestine Nutrient absorption happens in the small intestine amongst other places, but is most efficient here because of … [Read more...]
Yoga and Ayurveda for Shoulders & Headaches with Celia Roberts BSc
Are you suffering from unbearable headaches? Yoga and Ayurveda for Shoulders & Headaches FIND OUT MORE ABOUT YOUR TYPE Of HEADACHES THROUGH AYURVEDA... Yoga and Ayurveda for Shoulders & Headaches Do you have Vata Pitta or Kapha headaches? VATA Vata type headaches arise at base of the … [Read more...]
Skin, Digestion, Stress, Yoga, Ayurveda and Daily Self Massage with Celia Roberts BSc
Your digestion effects your skin and so does your stress... The waxing and waning of disease in the body and emotional states are expressed through eruptions in the skin. Stress is often as a significant factor in acne, psoriasis, itching, hives, herpes and profuse sweating. But it isn't only … [Read more...]
Natural Ways to Decongest the Nose: Yoga and Breathing
These notes were a snippet taken from a Clinical Yoga Therapy workshop we did on Breathing and the Respiratory system. We are looking at natural ways to unblock the nasal passages and possibly induce a shift nasal laterality. This nasal shift occurs every 1-6 hours in healthy individuals and … [Read more...]
Rather than drop your jaw... Close your mouth, come along and breathe... Breathing correctly? Yoga teachers and students alike - Are you breathing or sleeping with the mouth and jaw dropped? It may just be damaging your health... and your facial symmetry (attractive beauty!) Yogi’s and … [Read more...]
Yoga Pose: Emotional Anatomy of Warrior pose
This week’s focus pose is the Warrior Pose. We use this posture to cultivate strength in the legs and our base chakra. Psycho-emotionally, we aim for excellent security and stability in our base. On a physical level, we aim for a strong musculoskeletal and nervous system with Warrior pose. Our … [Read more...]
Emotional Anatomy: Interview with Swami Mukti
I was so fortunate to exchange time with Swami Mukti who so generously shared some of her knowledge and teachings with me on the subject of Emotional Anatomy. I in turn share it with you in the form of this interview and hope you feel as enlightened and nourished by it as I was. How did you first … [Read more...]
Brisbane Yoga Location: Mt Cootha Botanical Gardens
We hit the Botanical Gardens to catch up with three incredible yoga teachers who studied at YIMI three years ago now. They have set up the most amazing experience at the Mt Cootha Botanical Gardens – all for free. Free yoga classes run in the open air on Saturday afternoons at 4pm -5pm. I brought … [Read more...]
What is your gut IQ? Therapeutic Yoga for Gut Health
What is your gut IQ? It might be worth finding out if you are dealing with a genius or a fool? Your gastrointestinal health is the most important base for stunning health in therapeutic Yoga for gut health. In Ayurveda, we always start the healing process through the gut. This can also been done … [Read more...]
Nourishing yourself through Ayurveda
AYURVEDIC PRACTICES TO BRING YOUR BODY INTO BALANCE Cleansing the mouth First to do upon rising is to spit, clean tongue with tongue scraper and clean the teeth. This removes bacteria and toxins from the mouth that have accumulated overnight, and prevents them from reabsorbing into the digestive … [Read more...]
The Sound Of Silence: Published in the Westender
Brisbane yogi to spend a month in silence at traditional Burmese monastery Imagine remaining silent in meditation for one whole month to honor a commitment to an earnest cause. Celia Roberts, owner of The Laughing Buddha Yoga and Ayurveda centre in Bardon will spend one month in silent meditation … [Read more...]