“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
― Albert Camus
Whilst sitting in a waiting room I came across this quote above.
“Walk beside me”… These three words reminded me of importance of relationship.
A famous yogi, Desikachar, used to say that yoga is all about our relationships. I feel the yoga of relationships is threefold:
1. Cultivating a healthy relationship within,
2. Having a strong connection with our natural environment
3. Creating strong healthy relationships with those around us.
Those with positive relationships are said to:
- Have less circulating stress hormones,
- Have lower blood pressure,
- Improved mood,
- Increased pain tolerance,
- Lower rates of diseases including cancer and heart failure,
- Report positive emotions
- And it may even be that healthy relationships help wounds heal faster!
Even better is this….
“Positive relationships proved as beneficial to survival and longevity as quitting smoking and exceeded the benefits of exercise,” says Professor of Psychology Holt-Lundstad.
So whatever relationships you engage in, strive to be altruistic and compassionate. Simply walk beside another.
This is improving our practice of yoga, the yoga of relationship.
Learn more about Yoga on radio
Last weeks interview on ABC Radio with Celia Roberts: http://blogs.abc.net.au/queensland/2014/05/what-is-yoga.html?site=brisbane&program=612_weekends
Coming Up with Celia:
4BC radio 1116 interview on Yoga. The Health and Well Being programme 7pm Sunday 8th June http://www.4bc.com.au/
4EB radio 98.1 interview on Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda. The Focus programme at 12.15pm Thursday 12th June. http://www.4eb.org.au/
Grass Roots Yoga by donation
7.30am-8.30am Sunday Northey Street Framers Markets with Celia Roberts.
Public Holiday Yoga
Monday 9th June! Re-TREAT yourself from 9.30am-11.00am. Casual visit $20
Ayurveda Retreat
A reductive science, simple by nature, that looks to healing with the help of our natural environment. Ayurveda uses local herbs, nutrition, yoga postures, psychology and the ‘breath as medicine’ to heal. Literally, the science of life! Hope you can make it.
Sunday 15 June, bookings here: https://celiaroberts.com.au/events/sunday-yoga-andor-meditation-retreat-5/
Treasure the good people in your life.
Celia Roberts
Copyright © 2014 Celia Roberts, All rights reserved.