Join Celia Roberts & Samantha Lindsay German this January 2018:
Yin Yoga for Deep Myofascial Release & Pain Relief Retreat
Saturday 27 January 2018 & Sunday 28 January 2018
Full Retreat Rate $245
This January join Celia Roberts for a weekend focused on the healing capacity of the mind and body. Chronic pain is a growing concern in Australian society; more and more people are suffering regularly with moderate to intense pain. If you have ever experienced any type of body aches and pains, whether that be from physical fatigue, mental exhaustion, or perhaps you simply feel that your body is not performing in the capacity you would like it too: this is the retreat for you!
This weekend will combine evidence-based knowledge with traditional wisdom in combination with Clinical Yoga Therapy, Meditations, as well as specific processes for holistic pain rehabilitation.
Saturday 27 January 2018
9:30 – 12:30
Hosted by Celia Roberts
Clinical Yoga Therapy for Back Pain
Session Rate $88
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Alternative therapies to back pain have an abundance of evidence-based literature asserting their effectiveness. Moreover, there is growing awareness of the body-mind connection as it relates to the inflammatory response – this is a vital link when considering treatment for issues such as lower back pain, which is the most common complaint in complementary medicine. Furthermore, a recent Victorian article in The Age urged to prescribe yoga and mindfulness to fight back pain.
In this session, Celia will guide you through the wisdom behind the body-mind-pain connection and how this relates to holistic well-being. Processes of poses that assist in back pain management, the advantages of practice, as well as their psychological benefits will be explored; this then leads you into the afternoon session where meditations for pain are to be taught.
Saturday 27 January 2018
1:00 – 4:00
Hosted by Celia Roberts
Meditations for Overcoming Pain
Session Rate $80
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Though not a new concept, recent FMRI studies and data analysis confirms connections between chronic pain in comorbidity with anxiety and depression. Even if you don’t suffer from anxiety or depression, stress and fatigue can give rise to pain in the body. As such, there is an open awareness to the benefits meditation offers for both mental and physical wellbeing. The liberation of body and mind comes with deep presence and the ability to attune to your inner most being. Learn how to manage emotional and physical pain through meditation.
If you experience any amount of pain, whether it is mild to chronic, meditation is an amazing therapy that can offer you relief where modern medications may not. Experience a captivating afternoon experiencing first hand, in the beautiful surrounds of the Upper-Brookfield Sanctuary, what it means to be at one in body and mind in order to rejuvenate.
Sunday 28 January 2018
9:30 – 4:00
Hosted by Samantha Lindsay German (Sirgun)
YIN Yoga for Deep Myofascial Release
Session Rate $148
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This fulfilling day is designed to deepen awareness in the body’s fibrous connective tissues, how it supports the musculoskeletal system, and how to bring restoration through release to areas that bring discomfort or pain. Experience the total bliss of slower deep release YIN Yoga with the wonderful yogic healer, Samantha Lindsay German.
As the functional nature of the fascia is an all-encompassing connector and sensor, our bodies are intrinsically designed for holistic living. Therefore, when there is trauma in one area it often causes ongoing pain throughout the body and a decreased inner sense or proprioception. This retreat will offer you release therapy that attends to proprioception and deepening awareness that reduces pain and ultimately bring about holistic well being.

Lunching each day at the Upper Brookfield Sanctuary
Everyone brings a small plate to share for lunch. It is a delicious affair. We love small and easy dishes; salads are always well received, so too small fruit plates, fresh breads, dips, and we certainly enjoy the creative plate! Feel free to contact us should you have any questions regarding food requirements.
More information about your retreat
Accommodation Packages are available for your prolonged enjoyment and convenience – Please view our packages here.
Getting to the Upper Brookfield Sanctuary is an enjoyable drive. Be sure to view our directions here.
Considering more than one weekend retreat? Celia Roberts invites you to view her Bespoke packages on offer in 2018
More information? Please contact Celia hello@celiaroberts.com.au
Deepening connection is vital in practice. We invite you to join the discussions on Facebook and Instagram