Yoga for people of a Vata constitution needs to be warming, grounding, and calming. Aggravated Vata can affect the nervous system and lead to anxiety, nervousness, agitation.
The lower regions of the body, namely the abdomen, pelvis and large intestines are the main seat of vata in the body. Imbalances in this region can lead to constipation, and lower back pain. Joint pains may also exist.
The idea is to focus on poses that compress, strengthen and nourish the lower abdomen. Twists, and forward extensions, some mild back bends will do this. It also important to strengthen the lower back, where some weakness or pain may reside.
Practise of yoga postures should me mild, and held for long periods, and be restorative when needed.
Some inversions will be of great benefit, and breathing exercises with the focus on inhalation being more important for the person of this constitution. Most importantly, always be steady and consistent when practising yoga if you are working with Vata imbalances in the body.
Inhalation for 8 counts, retain breath for 4, exhalation for 4 counts.
All poses are to be held for 5-10 breaths
Image from Yoga JournalChilds pose
Adho Mukha Svasana (down face dog)
Broaden shoulder blades, relax head and neck.
Lift sit bones and firm thighs.
Slight bend of knees to support lower back and knees
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Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior pose 1)
Front heel directly under knee joint, back leg strong and pressing heel of foot towards the Earth, both hips facing forward. Inner thighs gently squeezing together to help with hip alignment.
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Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior pose 2)Front knee directly over ankle, lift arches of back foot.
Hips both facing side on. Strengthen both legs into Earth. Lift spine directly over and aligned with hips. Repeat on opposite side.
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Viparita Karani (legs up the wall)
Bring the buttocks as close to the wall as possible
Twists on either side
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Savasana (corpse pose)
20 minutes ideal for vata, longer rest with the focus on extending inhalation.
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