“Yoga is the projection of friendliness, compassion, gladness, and equanimity towards all things”
Yoga is the projection of true compassion: free of mind, free of self. It is a philosophy for life. We hope that through your practice of yoga, you will remain happy and healthy, held in deep compassion, and at peace. Yoga cultivates friendliness towards all.
Please come and practice with us, and cultivate the good qualities in life.
“Yoga Retreat with special guest Jasmine O’Brien”
Jasmine is inspired by the profound effects of a consistent yoga practice and has studies in Yoga Therapy. She teaches with honour and respect for the ancient yogic tradition with a modern twist to suit the needs of the Western body, mind and lifestyle. Jasmine encourages students to practice with both an open heart and a focused mind to experience the joy, freedom and deeper sense of connection that arise through the practice of yoga.
Please join us to practice yoga together on the 24th November for a retreat including Pranayama, Meditation, Asana & Restorative Yoga (9.30am-12.00).
$50 Bookings online at https://celiaroberts.com.au/retreats-and-special-events/
“Intuitive, Experiential Anatomy Retreat”
Learn intuitive anatomy from your own inner awareness. It is in your body, your muscles, your nerves and your heart…… sensing your way through the body is experiential anatomy.
If you learn by feeling and kinaesthetic awareness….then this retreat is for you. One of my favourite yoga teachers told me her best anatomy teacher was blind, teaching from her deeper sensitivity.
This retreat will heighten your sensitivity, body awareness and health and increase mindfulness.
Intuitive Anatomy.
Saturday November 30th 2-5pm. $60
Bookings online https://celiaroberts.com.au/retreats-and-special-events/
Get your socks off for our FREE open day….
December 7th
YOGA TEACHER TRAINING 2014 part time, full time, or intensive
All courses approved with YA, ATMA, AAYT respectively.
Email hello@celiaroberts.com.au to register interest or reserve your place.
Take the very best of care.
With compassion,
Celia Roberts