Yoga in a sunburnt country….
In appreciation of a great country, with a great heritage, and a wonderful modern philosophy on life….
This image captures the beauty of our temperamental land, and also a commonality that we all understand at different times in our lives. Most religions and philosophies abide by this human contemplation, perceiving that there is something greater than us at work. This understanding in yoga is described as the state of internal surrender, ‘not me, not mine, not I’.
The posture depicted is a reminder that each moment is a continual surrender, and you will see variations of the this posture reflected globally to represent this.
*These words were written before the bush fires of NSW took hold, and the photography was taken only two weeks ago by an artist who really captured the black shade on our brown land.
Meditation and Yoga Therapy Retreat
You are cordially invited to attend:
Meditation and Yoga Therapy Morning Retreat
Sunday 10th November Brookfield Retreat.
7am-9am Meditation Retreat $35
9.30am-12.00pm Yoga Retreat $50
or $70 for the whole morning
Bookings Online:
Thank you all for your continued support to the grass roots yoga movement and to all the teachers who donate their valued time to teach us all the benefits of yoga. Grass Roots Yoga is a community run “yoga by donation” that you can attend on Sundays at Northey street markets 7am-8am with a mat and a smile. GRYM at West End markets is being relocated as we speak, and we will give you the new details very soon. Stay tuned. There will be no classes at West End for some time as we find a new location…..but we will keep you posted.
An eight week experiential and evidenced based course for those who are wanting to deepen their practice and truly understand the inner workings of their mind. The course is also designed for those who are wanting to teach, passing on the gift of meditation as both an art and a science.
I have attached to this email a preview of the first chapter of study: “Mind Body Medicine and Mindfulness as a therapy” for those of you who are considering. I am really looking forward to this course very much, and would love to have your company. Meditation will undoubtedly make a profound difference to your life.
More details online:…
Please keep coming “up the hill” to say hello, to enjoy that deep state of surrender through yoga or sitting silently in a natural setting. My home is your home.
In appreciation of all things good,
Celia Roberts.