Bird of a Fortune
This is me, quite honestly, having my fortune told by a bird who lifted up cards from a deck of the Indian Gods and Goddesses. When the little bird hopped out of the cage and started reading my fortune cards, we almost all died of amusement.
And then, of course the fortune teller told me that I was going to be very wealthy. Laughing a lot.
So please come and support my amazing rise to superfluous wealth. I am sorry if that disgusts you, but I promise to share it wisely and very widely if the bird sings true.
Yoga classes and retreats next week 9.30am daily.
And with the Yoga and Integrative Medicine Institute: Meditation, Yoga Therapy, Yoga teacher Training….all begins next week!
Can’t wait.
YOGA THERAPY: Mondays 9.30am-12.00pm 9 week retreat programme.
The study of Yoga as a Therapy and how to achieve mental and physical balance. This will be deep exploration of the Sutras, exploring the psychological benefits of yoga to the mind. Retreats will also include a therapeutic Asana Practice to benefit your Body and Mind.
$40 casual or $270 for 9 week term (1 retreat per week $30 per retreat)
BLISS for YOUR BRAIN: Wednesdays 9.30am-12.00pm 9 week retreat programme
A combination of Meditation,Yoga Nidra, and developing subtle energetic body awareness, with a small component of gentle asana. Suitable for all levels. These retreats are for all levels of practice. Suitable for all ages from the young to the elderly, and also including those who are recovering from illness or injury.
$40 casual or $270 for 9 week term (1 retreat per week $30 per retreat)
*CLASSES (1.5 hours per class) $20 casual or $162 for 9 week term (1 class per week, $18 per class)
Tuesdays 9.30am-11.00am
Thursdays 9.30am-11.00am
SPECIAL TERM PASS: Unlimited weekday classes and retreats $441 ($49 per week).
Save up to $423.
Press “Reply” to make your booking now.