Grass Roots Yoga Update
Great news…West End markets is launching Grass Roots Yoga this Saturday at 7.30am-8.30am.
Yoga by donation under a deep blue sky.
Come and join us on the grassy soccer field lined with the Moreton bay figs.
Bring your mat and a hat if required.
Bring your kids, your Mum, your best friend, your friend who does not like yoga, and anyone you know who just loves it…….Yoga is for everyone.
All donations you give support the spread on yoga within the community, and help someone else to enjoy the benefits of yoga.
Please support the movement on facebook here:
Parsvottanasana – Intense side stretch pose.
This is great for opening hips and stretching glutes, piriformis, iliotibial band tensor fasciae latae, the hamstrings, and calves. It helps to align the hips.
It has great effects on bladder merdian lines and wonderful for grounding into legs and base chakra.
If you place the hands in prayer position (namaskar) at the back of the body, it opens the chest, lungs and heart region of the body.
Also check the alignment of your hips in the pose by placing your hand on the back of your body down low….over the sacrum to make sure it is relatively flat and the buttocks are both drawn down, with hips facing forward equally towards the Earth.
This is such a beautiful pose when performed well. It prevents lower back pain for many people.
Check out the lines of flow you should aim for.