Quietude, Silence.
SILENCE ~ A word that speaks volumes… always reminded of its inherent value.
Silent, present-moment awareness.
Truly… the ultimate liberation from mental noise.
Please take some time for quietude, here in nature, exploring both inner silence and outer silence.
Listening mindfully
Silence between sounds
Fine bodily attunement
Body sensing
Deep respect for silence
Pure stillness of mind
Silence ~ the profound health effects on both mind and body.
9.30am-12.30am Morning Yoga, Meditation Theory, and Breathing
12.30pm-1.30pm Lunch (please bring small plate to share)
1.30pm-4.30pm Afternoon Yoga, Meditation, Restore.
$108 for the day
TERM Focus “Developing a Benevolent Mind”
TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS 9.30am-11am. Casuals welcome. $20
Information & Bookings: celiaroberts.com.au/yoga-and-meditation-classes-brisbane/
Yoga Under The Stars
We invite you to a very special event to unite the community and support cancer research – Yoga Under the Stars
- Free yoga class with Celia Roberts
- Free compassion meditation
- Talk on living with cancer & yoga with Tracy Murray
- Food by our friends at Taco Fiesta
Donations are welcome and all proceeds go to cancer research.
When? Saturday 2nd May 2015 5pm – 9pm
Where? New Farm Park, on the riverfront
No booking necessary. Bring yourself and friends & family to celebrate life with yoga under the stars.
May is looking to be FULL of amazing events!
Clear your calendars – its a month of celebrations!
Saturday 2nd May – Yoga Under the Stars in New Farm Park
Sunday 24th May – YIMI open day at Brookfield
Saturday 30th May – WANDERLUST 108 in Brisbane
Sunday 31st May – Wislton Park Fair Grass Roots Yoga 9am-10am
Yoga therapy for common health conditions
Yogic and Bio-Medical Physiology areas of study for Yoga Therapists and interested peoples.
Part time and one day workshops available. Please enquire.
Here is a great piece that ABC RADIO did on creating a happy workplace which I took part in yesterday. My job was to teach yoga on air. It was hard…there is a little video here that shows you how much fun it was, despite its difficulty. It reminds me that being face to face with a teacher is important. On that note, hope to see you soon. If you put 3 minutes of yoga into your day at work… your concentration, effectiveness and productivity improves.
Yoga works. Always has, always will.
Happy workplaces (yoga class with Tim at 30 minute mark, but the interview prior with a workplace health specialist is worth listening too as well):
Yoga at work: cat~cow on YOUTUBE 1min of cat~cow with Tim Cox and Celia Roberts
Take some time to quiet amidst the haste of life. One breath is all it takes.
Celia Roberts.