Join Celia Roberts & Marian Cavanagh this October 2019

20hr Higher-Level Learning
Certificate in Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
Saturday 19 October & Sunday 20 October
Book Before October 5 $399
You will experience immersive evidence-based tutelage in restorative yoga therapy & science of reversing ageing in DNA, developing vitality & longevity with restorative yoga, restorative yoga restoring the immune system, restorative yoga for reversing the ageing process. This weekend will assist you in providing one to one restorative yoga therapy.
Saturday 19 October 2019
Hosted by Celia Roberts Bsc
Restorative Yoga Therapy and the Science of Reversing Ageing in DNA
9:30 – 1:00
Restorative yoga therapy is a magnificent and empowering therapeutic tool that has deep effects on a cellular level, right down to the level of our DNA. Recent research shows that it is inherently possibly, as yogis have long known, that we can indeed reverse the ageing process through meditative asana and restorative yoga therapy. Learn how to teach this incredible therapy on a one to one basis.
Restorative yoga therapy is incredibly accessible to many people, including those with injuries or chronic health conditions. The mind-body connection is intricately enhanced through restorative yoga and it enables all yoga practitioners to have a deep understanding and first hand experience of psychosomatic medicine and the healing process.
Traditionally, restorative yoga therapy uses props to support the body in postures that are held for longer periods. The use of props also aid bodily awareness and proprioceptive feedback, and are used as a therapeutic tool.
Restorative yoga completely tones the nervous system, employing evidenced based cognitive neuroscience and epigenetics to bring about both therapeutic and lasting changes. Deep interoceptive awareness is developed to transform stress, fear, anxiety.
Restorative yoga awakens the pranic and energetic systems of the mind-body and develops a heightened sensitivity and a gentle self compassion.
We will be exploring:
- Absolute restoration of nervous system and rewiring of the brain
- The science of Reversing ageing in DNA
- Correct placement and use of props for developing stronger embodied cognition within the body, focussing on both softness and strength.
- Learn embodied self compassion and self care, nurturing the body with soft awareness from head to toe.
- How to develop stability in mind, body and nervous system and have the ability to share this with others.
- Specific restorative yoga asanas
- Traditional Iyengar touch adjustments
- Accurate and precise alignment tutelage
- Correct prop usage – chairs, clocks, straps, sand bags, blankets, straps, eye pillows
- Biomedical Yoga Therapy for ailments
- Reversing the ageing process
Saturday 19 October 2019
Hosted by Marian Cavanagh
Developing Vitality & longevity with Restorative Yoga
1:45 – 4:45
Restorative yoga therapy has the capacity to completely tone the nervous system, developing deep interoceptive awareness and attention to the present moment. Restorative yoga is a therapeutic tool that awakens the energetic systems of the mind-body developing a heightened sensitivity and a gentle self-compassion; this then, intrinsically enhancing holistic wellbeing, making it incredibly accessible to many people.
This session provides an immersive embodied learning experience that enables all yoga practitioners to have a first-hand proficiency and adept understanding of psychosomatic medicine and the healing process. Such includes short, medium, and long hold poses, sequencing, correct prop usage for individual anatomy variances, accurate and precise alignment tutelage, touch adjustments, methodology of pranayama and the physiology of relaxation.
The Saturday afternoon session will cover general restorative yoga principles for one to one therapy sessions. This will be followed by exploration of the child’s pose in short to medium hold versions and then a longer hold variation with two chairs, to experience the ways to modify this for different people.
You will feel competent with adjusting and how to get creative with props in restorative poses to suit the client with the props you have on hand.
We will be exploring:
- Restorative Yoga Principles
- One to one yoga therapy sessions
- Childs pose – variations with props
- Adjustments
- Use of props
Sunday 20 October 2019
Hosted by Marian Cavanagh
9:30 – 1.00
Learn restorative yoga principles, physiology, including stress disorders and the effects on the immune system. Restorative yoga affects mind, our neurology, our brain and mental health. Learn the how and why!
In terms of education you will learn basic sequencing, props and practicalities of teaching.
For the hands-on experience you will learn short hold sequences, medium hold poses, long hold poses. You will understand the physiology of stress and its impact on immune system. This will be followed by learning to teach and practice Viparita Karani variation using both a chair and bolster and correcting the head position for maximum benefit.
You will be taught how to observe and teach a partner for a long hold pose, and be able to make small adjustments to maximise comfort and rest.
Students in the pose get the full experience of a well set up pose for a length of time. Teachers and therapists have small reflective tasks to do while they watch over their partner in the pose. Then we swap and the process is repeated as it is really important for participants to see the different ways of propping different bodies with different anatomies, and to get the full internal experience of the benefits of the long hold poses. This creates a different rhythm to the day, a more embodied learning experience, and like the practice itself, less is usually more with restorative.
We will be exploring:
- Viparita Karani
- Use of chair and bolster in Viparta Karani
- How to hold head position for maximum benefit
- Physiology of stress
- Specific Yoga Therapy methodologies
Sunday 20 October 2019
Hosted by Marian Cavanagh
Restorative Yoga for Reversing the Ageing Process – Application of techniques
1:45 – 4:45
This Sunday afternoon session is designed to help you teach and understand savasana. Training will include how to teach variations of savasana with pranayama and savasana, coupled with evidenced based iRest training.
Restorative Yoga rejuvenates the whole body, mind and nervous system. BKS Iyengar, who was the Father of traditional restorative yoga often said, “Health is not a commodity to be bargained for. It has to be earned”. Our health is earned through addressing every part of the body – every organ every bone- every muscle - and every cell of the body.
iRest is a modern form of yoga nidra, with well researched benefits, especially in the field of PTSD. It requires a comfortable position so that the internal exploration can occur without interruptions due to physical discomfort, and we will explore ways of incorporating yoga nidra into a therapeutic class.
Traditional Restorative Yoga looks to use the placement of props therapeutically to support the body in all positions. Restorative Yoga has a strong backing of scientific evidence that has widened its growing popularity. It is suitable to all people of all ages and is a wonderful way to guide anyone into yoga. It is an imperative teaching tool for both personalised therapeutic sessions and class scenarios.
This restorative yoga therapy training will further expand your awareness of how to bring about balance and a sense of internal integration and harmony through restorative yoga. This is about resting the nervous system deeply, really switching off to find deep rest and a place to reside in your heart.
Restorative Yoga therapy offers your clients the deep experience of meditative asana – the sacred opportunity to witness our minds from within. The long and uninterrupted practice of yoga postures practiced with meditative awareness brings us mental liberation and heightened personal power.
We will be exploring:
- Savasana
- Pranayama
- iRest
- Pranayama setups in savasana
- Application of techniques
- Discussion and questions to assist your learning process.
At the end of this 13-hour face-to-face weekend you will be provided with materials for reading as well as a BIYOME certificate of completion. This course is intended to provide you will a substantial knowledge base in yoga therapy – this however does not qualify you as a yoga therapist. We use the term “therapy” as a reference to varied methodologies that enable well-being.
Disclaimer and Waiver:
This weekend is a registered 20hr Yoga Australia training weekend and attracts CPD points for yoga teachers, therapists, allied health professionals. Interested members of the public who are engaged in the practices of yoga and meditation may attend for interest, education and higher-level learning.
These short courses do not qualify you to become a yoga teacher or therapist. By registering and attending this course you agree to our terms and conditions and our waiver as located here. For more information on how to become fully qualified, please check our teacher training and yoga therapy training for more details.