Join Celia Roberts & Edwina Kempe
Saturday 24 November & Sunday 25 November 2018
Full Retreat Rate $245
For centuries yoga has prevailed as a “science of the mind”, and now modern neuroscience is starting to prove its amazing claim. Yogabrain is the integration of body, mind, and nervous system into full presence – the basis of a balanced, strong, and resilient nervous system. It has been shown now for multiple decades that by cultivating mindfulness through awareness, the breath, and active yoga practice have the ability to strengthen our tenth cranial nerve, and thus the vagal tone, which untimely has the capacity for a regulated, stable, and resilient central nervous system (for further literature on this, see here). Indeed, this notion has been identified by Steven Porges as the polyvagal theory, this now the foundation for many psychotherapeutic remedies to disorders of the mind and body.
Join Celia and Samantha as they deepen your awareness and knowledge of the vast and amazing world of neuroscience and the nervous system and strengthen & explore your Yogabrain.
Clinical Yoga Therapy for brain & nervous system
Saturday 24 November 2018
9:30 – 12:30
Hosted by Celia Roberts
Clinical Yoga Therapy for brain & nervous system
Session Rate $88
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Begin this weekend by attending to and understanding your own visceral states and traits. Learn the basics of what it means to have a brain that is effected by the wholesome practices of movement based therapies such as yoga and seated meditation. Explore how this will assist you within your life and your ability to create an integrated holistic sense of wellbeing.
Celia has an extensive knowledge of neuroscience in conjunction with psychobiological states and how yoga practice has the capacity to change not only your current physiological and psychological state, so too your ability to change these states for the future of yourself and genetic generational change.
Meditations for a strong nervous system
Saturday 24 November 2018
1:15 – 4:15
Hosted by Celia Roberts
Meditations for a strong nervous system
Session Rate $58
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Continue your day, by learning through practice, the benefits of meditations on the mind, body, and nervous system. As aforementioned through practice our vagal tone is strengthened, cultivating a resilience, a confidence, an inner strength.
Join Samantha in her extensive wisdom within the surrounds of the picture perfect Upper Brookfield retreat – perfect for the cultivation of peace, joy, and holistic wellbeing. Samantha is wonderful at teaching the cleansing and strengthening exercises for a strong, resilient, healthy nervous system. Come along and find out more!
Yoga Brain Meditation Retreat- exploring Neuroscience
Sunday 25 November 2018
9:30 – 12:30
Hosted by Celia Roberts
Yoga Brain Meditation Retreat- exploring Neuroscience
Day Rate $148 (inclusive of afternoon session)
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As the weekend continues, and as you join Celia in this immersive day of neurobiological-based yoga practice, investigations of the effects meditation has on the brain from a neuroscientific perspective will be explored.
Learn how to create new bodily patterns (nava sharira samskara) and new mental patterns (nava manas samskara) as described long ago in yoga.
Explore the Emotional Life of our brain and the work of pioneering neuroscientist Richard J. Davidson. Davidson discovered that each of us has an Emotional Style, composed of Resilience, Outlook, Social Intuition, Self-Awareness, Sensitivity to Context, and Attention. Where we fall on these six continuums determines our own “emotional fingerprint.”
Explore this concept and how to heal and treat autism, depression, hypochondria and more…
So too, learn how the growth grey matter and cortical thickness changes by way of understanding the following neurobiological areas:
- Anterior Cingulate Cortex: associated with such functions as self-regulatory processes, including the ability to monitor attention conflicts, and allow for more cognitive flexibility.
- Prefrontal Cortex: primarily responsible for executive functioning such as planning, problem solving, and emotion regulation.
- Hippocampus: The hippocampus is the part of the limbic system that governs learning and memory, and is extraordinarily susceptible to stress and stress-related disorders like depression or PTSD.
- Amygdala: The brain’s “fight or flight” centre and the seat of our fearful and anxious emotions. Mindfulness practice decreases the amygdala in brain cell volume and cultivates a state whereby we are less reactive.
Sunday 25 November 2018
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Hosted by Edwina Kempe
The body and brain in trauma
Day Rate $148 (inclusive of morning session)
Book Now
What happens when we experience trauma? How does our brain and our body respond? This workshop will explore the latest neuroscience to give you an understanding of the brain and body in trauma, combined with embodied trauma sensitive yoga practices.
You will learn:
- The brain & body’s stress response
- The neurophysiology of trauma and the role of memory in trauma
- Long term impacts of trauma on the brain and body
- Trauma sensitive yoga practices.
Enjoy a day whereby in understanding more about the body-brain connection, you will learn just why the practice of yoga in conjunction with the combination of ancient and modern wisdom opens avenues to holistic wellbeing and an enlightened state of being. Join us for this fascinating exploration of our brain, or body’s brain, our Yogabrain.
Lunching each day at the Upper Brookfield Sanctuary
Everyone brings a small plate to share for lunch. It is a delicious affair. We love small and easy dishes; salads are always well received, so too small fruit plates, fresh breads, dips, and we certainly enjoy the creative plate! Feel free to contact us should you have any questions regarding food requirements.
More information about your retreat
Accommodation Packages are available for your prolonged enjoyment and convenience – Please view our packages here.
Getting to the Upper Brookfield Sanctuary is an enjoyable drive. Be sure to view our directions here.
Considering more than one weekend retreat? Celia Roberts invites you to view her Bespoke packages on offer in 2018
More information? Please contact Celia
Deepening connection is vital in practice. We invite you to join the discussions on Facebook and Instagram